Monday, March 17, 2014

My Dear Spring.

 Blending with Spring's Colors.

 By: Hossein Hosseinzadeh
Hey all, Are you feeling the sun ??  Spring has finally arrived. The weather is amazing and the trees are growing back. This time I wanted to blend blue into spring's colors, the jeans from zara-man, the scarf from Massimo dutti, a navy Nike and accessories to complete the look. Enjoy the weather and start planning for new activities, enjoy the sunlight :), keep checking my facebook page and Hopefully you like it :) 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Stylish Business man

When a student enjoys Business. 

By: Hossein Hosseinzadeh 
Hello Amazing people, Hope you are doing great, Gosh I Miss yall badly, I haven't had the chance to shoot for too long. I was busy visiting other places and I took a little break. This time I am introducing the business student. Study, have fun and look amazing. I wore from different people with a beautiful Nike that was gifted from a special person. Tie and jacket by Fredo and jeans by zara man, a Mikrogirder watch and different accessories. This time I am coming back with a higher flavor and a different style. Hope you like and Don't forget to LIKE the facebook page :), love yall :)